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Halooo? (2003)

1 Goodnight Backs
2 House
3 Dream call
4 Chocolate
5 Two scary guys
6 Sweet tooth
7 Hard nut
8 Twins

9 Trikule trakule

10 In the mirror
halo 2020 A4.jpg


Foreword by the author (from the music collection Halooo? - 2003)

When I took over the children’s choir years ago, I first encountered in detail the performance capabilities offered by the children’s voice. Grateful work is creating music for children, if I take into account the realization that a child's soul is an inexhaustible source of energy, which is easily expressed in re-creation. I think that the most important, but not the only, role of the mentor is to stimulate this energy in them, to direct them to the musical revitalization of the content, because the joy (even until singing) was given to them by Mother Nature at birth.
The collection in front of you is the result of work with the children's choir that has accompanied me since I taught at the Fran Roš Elementary School in Celje. When I got to know him well over time
  the ability of a child’s voice, Backi’s first goodnight song was created. I performed the composition with the choir in the municipal magazine, which led to the children, their parents and, last but not least, my father, prof. Edvard Goršič, and mag. Dragica Žvar was encouraged to continue creating. So far, dozens of songs have been collected, part of which I am publishing in this collection entitled HALOOO!
The collection is intended primarily for children at the grade level, as the compositions are mostly unanimous. Despite the simple duet, the composition Trikula - trakule is also intended for children's choirs. The last song In the Mirror is polyphonic and is intended for a youth choir.
Each composition has two scores. One for the teacher or accompanist and one for the child, who gets to know the music record additionally or anew. To get to know the musical symbols, I described some dynamic, agogic and other musical symbols in each song that the children might encounter for the first time. A CD on which all the songs for the children's choir are recorded should also serve as an accessory to the collection. They are recorded with and without vocals, mainly as an aid to the performance of the songs. The CD can also be used for children to learn melodies and consonances. The latter will probably be especially grateful if I take into account how difficult it is nowadays, with all the obligations that children have in schools, to acquire the entire corps of the choir at rehearsals.
I would especially like to thank prof. Tomaž Habet, who did the review and was of great help to me in general.

Let the songbook be a joy to the children as well as to you.

Matevž Goršič

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