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My path  to musical creation

Writing music is my inner calling, but also my duty and responsibility to something  it is  to convey the energy of the beautiful, laid through the art of music  a gift in the cradle. The energy of the beautiful that is all around us. The purpose of art  in general  is,  to mediate this energy  to everything that exists on earth. Both to people as well  to nature.  

Art is a kind greeting that we give to others. Feelings of contentment and inner happiness are very similar. Music, like art in general, is  maybe only  an imaginative medium chosen from “god” that has the ability to give the energy of love  very directly. Why  some make it easier  s  with the help of music, it is difficult to answer. It certainly plays a big role  a series of coincidences that are part of everyday life. My development has been significantly influenced by the fact  that I was born into a family in which music was present all the time.  

More,  I grew up in my teens  in a boarding school (Student Home of Ivan Cankar in Ljubljana), in a company that longed for music. Actually after all the music, just that it was good. The relaxation that reigned among us certainly also fostered the emotional openness to the beautiful that is necessary for the creation of art.  The curiosity among us was great.  We didn’t exactly delve into the knowledge the school dictated to us - after all, we were “rebels” and also  too young to understand the demanding classical forms of music, however  we have invested a huge amount of time in recreating musical styles such as jazz, pop, rock and folk music. Of course we respected it too  classical music, but we tackled it in a different way (I can say that today), for that time, in an original way. We were committed to music in general, no matter where we came from  it came and to what musical style it was written; only that she was good and aroused in us  inspiration.

When I enrolled in music pedagogy at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana after finishing high school, my desire to create music began to grow strongly. They were the inspiration for the chosen path  also exceptional  Slovenian  composers such as  Samo Vremšak,  Marjan Gabrijelčič and Tomaž Habe, who are  encouraged me to write music. I was even more s  his musical knowledge was inspired by dr. Mirko Cuderman, who was my mentor in writing my diploma and the head of the Slovenian Chamber Choir, where I got a tenor  first job. That's when I was  quite a while  spent in finding a style that  I would dedicate myself to it, but in the end the decision was made that I would rather follow my own hair inspiration.


So it is today. Z  I enjoy creating music for children, pop music, jazz, classical music. Some say my music is universal because of that. Maybe that's really the case. And if that’s true, I’m all the more grateful for the “coincidences” that have helped make the music I write an effective medium for conveying the primarily beautiful.


I am very grateful to everyone who supports me in this.


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